Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mock Logic Web Service for BIRT ODA is Ready

Since the logicws module is not working with the existing Logic Service API, we wanted to create a mock logicws module that would respond with dummy data without having to communicate with the Logic Service API. This way, we can work on development of the ODA without communicating with the Logic Service API while it is being worked on. The solution is a REST web service module that responds to the exact same URL queries from the existing BIRT ODA.

The initial odamocklogicws module is ready and can be checked out from SVN at (I do not yet have access to add the module to the module repository). The project includes simple JUnit tests that use HttpUnit to make the URL requests to the servlet resources and prints out the resulting fake XML data returned from the odamocklockws. The different servlet resources include token, tokenTag, filter, and data. These tests can also be used when the real logicws module is working to easily see how it responds to URL requests.

The same steps in the BIRT ODA Plugin User Guide can be followed except one should use the new odamocklogicws module instead of the logicws for the BIRT ODA to work (with mock data).