The most significant thing I did this week was delve even deeper into SWT and create the UI for adding modifications to individual tokens:

Basically, a user selects a token that has been moved to the "selected" list and there is a list of modifiers available for the specific token. There is a checkbox to the right of each modifier to indicate whether or not the modifier should be used for a given token. The right-most column of the modifier table is where the argument can be typed in as appropriate. The two up and down arrows to the left of the table allow the user to change the order of the modifiers since the order may effect how the data is returned. The table and arrows will also dynamically change their height and width to fit the ODA screen if the window size is changed.
There were several resources I used to help understand how to implement some of the different functionality:
The next step for the modifier piece is to setup an underlying data structure that keeps track of the modifiers for the different tokens and translate this into a URL request sent to the Logic Web Service (URL format TBD).