- Removed the filter page and reintegrated the filter drop down back into the first page so that the user has to select a filter and then tokens can be chosen using the tag and search feature.
- Changed the way that the data set wizard pages are presented to the user. Now, instead of having to go through all of the pages when initially creating a data set, the token selection page, the first page, is the only page shown. The user can access the more advanced pages after the edit data set dialogue comes up or by later reopening and editing an existing data set.
- Added a helper class for easily tearing down and building back up queries, extracting certain pieces of the query, etc.
- Changed all data set pages to generate query in the format of SELECT {token} optionalModifier x{token2} optionalModifier y... FROM cohortID.
- Added a new data set page that allows the user to see the actual query that will be sent to the Logic Web Service as they keep changing their queries using the various data set wizard pages. Here's a query I created by selecting one of my cohorts and then various tokens including indicating that I wanted WEIGHT values that were less than 50 and TEMPERATURE that was greater than 40:

Logic Web Service
- Added latest jars from logic refactoring branch.
- Changed the data resource to accept new query format in the format of SELECT {token} optionalModifier x{token2} optionalModifier y... FROM cohortID.
- Changed call that populates filter to single Context.getCohortService().getAllCohortDefinitions() call.
- Used the new LogicCriteria.parse() method that Burke put together this week so that tokens and their modifiers are passed to this parser. The appropriate LogicCriteria is created and passed on to the logic service for evaluation and the results are passed back to the ODA.
- Added helper class to help with getting information out of the URL request.
Next step is adding a page and modifications to the query to allow the user to split the tokens into more than just the value like date and location. I'm going to use colons in the query after the token and modifiers to specify how to split the individual tokens.