Monday, May 19, 2008

Trying Out Last Year's GSOC OpenMRS ODA

I started out by following the instructions at in an attempt to setup and test the ODA with the Logic Web Service module.

In the OpenMRS Administration interface, it indicates to change module.allow_web_admin to true in the runtime properties in order to upload modules. After a rebuild, it still wouldn't let me upload the module. I went to the "Module Properties" page and it indicated that I needed to have module.allow_upload set to true. I set this in the runtime properties and did another rebuild. This still didn't work for me, so I just dropped the module in C:\Application Data\OpenMRS\modules and restarted. The module showed up in the "Manage Module" section so it looks like it worked.

I dropped the ODA jars in my BIRT installation and setup a new OpenMRS data source. As my mentor, Justin, suspected, the plugin did not work with the current version of the Logic Web Service and it threw an "Expected API functions do not respond correctly" Exception .

I checked out the OpenMRS ODA plugin code and saw that the failure was happening in the canAccessAPI() method of the Connection class. I added some Exception handling to log some info if the problem was an IOException, built and deployed the modified OpenMRS ODA, and restarted Eclipse. This new Exception handling showed me that the failure was happening when trying to access http://localhost:8080/openmrs/moduleServlet/logicws/api/getFilters. Accessing this in my browser gave me a NoSuchMethodError for "org.openmrs.api.context.Context.getReportService()Lorg/openmrs/reporting/ReportService". Tracking this down in the LWS code seems to point to the getAllPatientFilters method. I am wondering if I need to install the ReportService with my OpenMRS deployment?

Based on my conversations with Justin, he was expecting problems like this. So, looks like one of the first steps for this project will be to get a mock web service working so that the ODA development can commence. I was pointed to the following resources for information on modifying/creating a new LWS module:

We also plan on nailing down more of the requirements for this project this week.

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