Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Wrapping Things Up
The following OpenMRS wiki pages have all been updated to reflect the latest status and implementation of the OpenMRS ODA and Logic Web Service:
- BIRT ODA Plugin Project Page
- BIRT ODA Plugin User Guide
- BIRT ODA Plugin Developers Guide
- Logic Web Service User Guide
I recorded an instructional video that walks through the creation of a data source and data set using the OpenMRS ODA, showing the different wizard pages and options available. However, I'm having issues getting it published to flash on blip.tv. I'll create another post when I get this squared away.
I also put together three simple reports that illustrate how the three different data styles can be used:
- Most Recent - Patient summary pages with their most recent data
- Stacked - Graphs for each patient that track weight, height, temperature, and CD4 per patient over time
- Flat - XLS fact sheet with many columns where there is one row per patient
Any and all feedback is appreciated!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Fixing Bugs, Javadocs, JUnit Tests, User Conference, and Enhanced Modifier Interface
Bug Fixes
Tammy has been great with helping get the Logic Service up to speed. I probably identified at least 5 or so bugs with how the Logic Service was returning data and Tammy always promptly fixed them.
I went through all of the BIRT ODA and Logic Web Service classes and added Javadocs. I used the JAutodoc Eclipse plugin to help with adding all of the Javadocs and OpenMRS headings to each class. We plan on initially hosting them on Justin Miranda's development machine: http://www.justinmiranda.com/.
JUnit Tests
With the developers on the verge of a junit-test-a-thon, I went through the BIRT ODA code and added 33 JUnit 4 tests that uses the "should" keyword at the beginning of each test. The tests mainly cover the back end functionality of the BIRT ODA like the building up and breaking down of the Logic Service query among other things. The plan is to add more self-contained tests that cover the Logic Service and Logic Web Service (right now, the Logic Service and Logic Web Service tests I've created require a running OpenMRS instance with specific data).
Actuate International User Conference
Last Monday (8/4/08) through Wednesday (8/6/08), I was at the Actuate International User Conference in Las Vegas. My mentor, Justin Miranda, was invited to present as part of BIRT Live Day. It was great because I finally got to meet Justin and discuss things face-to-face. Although the presentation Justin gave was meant for those not familiar with OpenMRS, I learned a lot as well. We were also able to demo the current ODA during the presentation.
Scott Rosenbaum of Innovent Solutions was also there so we were able to chat with him. He has been a great resource for this ODA project.
Enhanced Modifier Interface
Although the modifier interface allows the user to add multiple modifiers to any token, one of the key components missing from the modifier interface was the ability to specify an aggregate for a given token. I've been delaying this since the Logic Service Parser only supports AGGREGATE {TOKEN} and not AGGREGATE X {TOKEN} style queries right now. However, I decided to go ahead and build this into the modifier page and thus the enhanced interface:

The selected tokens are still listed at the top the modifier page. You can still click the individual token names to see any current modifiers in the bottom of the page and add modifiers to the token as desired. To the left of each token are two drop downs. The first drop down is the aggregate (FIRST, LAST, MAX, and MIN) and the second drop down is the value (1-10) for the aggregate. For instance, one may wish to get the last 8 weights recorded for patients (LAST 8 {WEIGHT (KG)}. The default aggregate settings for when a token is first selected is LAST 1 (gets just one value which is the most recent). If a user selects or removes tokens from the token selection page, the next time the modifier page is visited, the user will see more or less token rows based on their selection.
In order to change the aggregate and aggregate value, you must select a data style that is not the default, most recent. The ODA builds the aggregates and values into the Logic Service query, but right now it doesn't change how the data is returned very much. Since the Logic Service does not yet support these aggregate queries, I'm handling things differently for each data style:
- Most Recent - The aggregate and aggregate value drop down boxes are disabled (they are greyed out and cannot be selected). By definition, the most recent data style will just get the most recent data for a token so there is no point in applying an aggregate.
- Stacked - Does absolutely nothing. All of the data will still be returned for the stacked data style. This will be changed when the Logic Service is ready.
- Flat - The aggregate is not considered at all, but the aggregate value is. So, if a user constructs a query with FIRST 4 WEIGHT and LAST 3 HEIGHT, the FIRST and LAST aggregates won't effect how the data is returned, but there will be 4 expanded columns for WEIGHT and 3 expanded columns for HEIGHT. Again, this will be changed to present the data as expected when the Logic Service is ready.
When the Logic Service supports AGGREGATE X {TOKEN} queries, the Logic Web Service should take very minor modifications to start using it.
Now I'm off to more ODA polishing for the GSOC deadline that is closing in on me :)